Integrity Forum Africa
We were tasked with branding the look and feel of the first ever Integrity Forum in Africa. This meant creating a comprehensive yet modern and realist logo and an easy to navigate website.

ICCD Canada International
This was for a particularly complicated website we were tasked with developing and transforming by the International Centre for Capacity Development in Canada. The end result was indeed Incredible.

AOAC International Sub-Saharan Africa
We had to build a new website and develop a totally new online feel. We took on a whole new brand creativity. Our designers produced a flexible CMS from which the website was built upon.

South African Veterinary Association
The Congress is the South African Veterinary Association’s biennial event organised by SAVETCON Event Management. The website was built to clearly communicate it's objective and purposes.

Evidence Conference
The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) requested an upgrade of their EVIDENCE Conference website. The idea was to develop a platform that was modern and current.

SAVETCON Event Management
SAVETCON have been organising, coordinating and managing congresses, symposiums, exhibitions and events since 2004. Sourcebranding was trusted with crafting a site revamp that communicated the years of experience.

F del Beno Accounting
F del Beno Accounting and Tax Services website development was assigned to our agency for a brand refreshment while maintaining a visual connection to how the brand identity was seen before. The makeover as can be seen is up-to-date, vibrant and modern design.

Performance Management Training institution provides bespoke management training courses and workshop design to meet specific in-house training and development needs for organisations in Ghana. The website that Sourcebranding designed was constructed to meet all visual and corporate appeal.

Destiny Lodge Cullinan
The business website needed to be rebuilt, and Sourcebranding was appointed to clearly communicate the services offered at the lodge through digital story telling. The design we came up with captivated the desires of the client.

AOAC Analytical Repository
Develop a digital platform to facilitate the sharing of analytical methods, comparing methods used with the international official methods. Built specifically for regulatory authorities and food control bodies, Industry, Contract Research Labs and Academia.

VET 100
100th anniversary of the SA Veterinary Association and 100th year of veterinary education in South Africa, We are delighted to shoulder the responsibility of designing the Twin Centenary Celebrations website for the 2020 event.

WAHVM 2020
Sourcebranding is pleased to have designed the 44th International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (WAHVM) website. Congress Organizer being Savetcon events management.

Corporate Identities
Let us create a look and feel that is uniquely yours, one that can be adapted and applied to everything from business cards to company vehicles.