The Vetasi Amazing Race Website Development
The Vetasi Amazing Race website vividly portrays the features of an interactive virtual race with real life optics. The Vetasi Amazing Race Website was designed to showcase members traveling from different parts of the worlds, which features a vast array of interactive user questions and travel mapping. All are data-driven, cross-referenced, and hyper-linked to provide visitors with a fluid exploration of travel impact across different countries. Sourcebranding employed a variety of technical effects, graphics, and AJAX techniques to present the text, video and animation of travel report and to highlight the regions. Sourcebranding designed the website to help Vetasi maximize the value of staff unity to bring otherwise static data to life.
By applying the full potential of the interactive web, visitors can take their own paths of discovery through the facts presented. This ultimately creates a more compelling and influential experience.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML and JavaScript