Integrity Forum New Website Development

Sourcebranding was tasked with creating the Integrity Forum website. The organisation is centered around Integrity Leadership and the cost of low integrity within organisations, as well as building integrity into all working and private relationships. The founder Charissa, also works with Youth NGO’s to host programs on Integrity Leadership. Charissa has also launched her “do the right thing now” campaign with youth.


Background on Integrity Leadership 
After consulting in various institutions and working closely with teams, Charissa realised that although institutions have Integrity as their core value, many employees do not understand what it means to apply this value in their everyday life. Charissa extensively researched this topic to see if it can be trained and has consequently written her own training course, developed material and has been very popular giving talks on Radio and TV on developing Integrity.

She facilitates the development of leadership within South Africa. As such, has recently decided to leverage her extensive knowledge and networks to focus on empowering the corporate world and youth to revisit the way we conduct ourselves in our everyday life.

Charissa uses her large media network coverage to educate, inspire and uplift, on a large-scale forum and uses humour, honesty and shares her own experiences as examples.